Zionsville Community Schools: At-Large Seat
My name is Dr. Christy Wessel Powell
I'm a mother of two children who attend Zionsville Community Schools (ZCS). As a ZCS parent, I collaborate with my children's amazing teachers, school leaders, support staff, and bus drivers, and I'm thankful for their caring work. Now, I want to use my own experience as an educator to serve on the ZCS school board. I'm an assistant professor of literacy and language education at Purdue University. I earned my PhD in education from IU-Bloomington. Before training future elementary school teachers, I was a K-2 classroom teacher and a literacy coach in mostly high-needs schools. I am a lifelong Hoosier and attended public schools myself K-12.
Fall, 2022
I'm a firm advocate for our public schools because they are the heart of the community, and foundational to a strong democracy. Public schools are where children learn to be active citizens, learn about the world, and get to meet and work together with all kinds of people. ZCS is Strong in Every Way with an incredible staff and a vibrant legacy of involved families. Your vote for me is a vote to support teachers, to welcome all families to our schools, to advocate for rich, equitable and well-rounded curricula, and to ensure responsible, competent stewardship of this community's public schools.